What Are The Advantages Of Photopolymer Braille Signs?

If you need to order braille signs for your building, then you have to decide on a base material and production technique. While some people choose to use raster-bead designs, you should look at photopolymer signs before you make a final decision.

This material and its production technique have some benefits over other options. What are they?

Create Robust Braille Signs That Last

Some braille signs don't stand the test of time that well. For example, if you create signs using raster beads, then beads might fall off. Or, someone might vandalise the signs and pull out some of the beads. Some raised braille materials also simply wear down over time.

Any of these problems reduce the effectiveness of a sign. People can't read its instructions or directions if some of its letters are missing. You might have to pay to have signs repaired or replaced.

Photopolymer signs last longer without any damage to their lettering. When you make these signs, you use specialist film negatives and UV light to shape the photopolymer layer in the sign. This process creates braille. It removes some of the polymer — the remainder makes the lettering.

This technique encloses braille inside the sign. The braille is part of the sign itself so it has a naturally firm attachment, and it also has an automatic protective covering.

So, letters on photopolymer signs won't fall off or wear down as easily. People will find it much harder to vandalise a sign. Your signage will stay in better shape and be readable for longer. You're less likely to have to repair or replace signs as often.

Get More Hygienic Signage

It's important to keep braille signs clean and hygienic. After all, people touch these signs a lot. They might harbour germs. This is especially important since the COVID-19 pandemic. Every business has to implement and maintain robust health and safety hygiene routines.

However, some braille signs aren't easy to clean thoroughly. Some materials, such as wood, can break down over time. Plus, it's sometimes hard to clean around the edges of raised braille letters.

Here, dirt, dust, bacteria and viruses might embed inside the surface of the sign or around its lettering. You might not be able to clean your signs effectively.

Photopolymer signs are a lot easier to clean and keep hygienic. These signs have an easy-to-clean top surface. You can easily wipe dirt and germs off the polymer.

To learn more about photopolymer signage, ask braille tactile sign suppliers for advice. 
